Inspiration gallery
Web typography examples designed using Typetester.
Fonts in this project:
Abril Display @ Typekit Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Copse @ Google Fonts |
Coiny @ Google Fonts |
Work Sans @ Google Fonts |
Fjalla One @ Google Fonts
A sports
Congratulations BIG g on being the mVl
in the lettering game season 2016/17 g
Fonts in this project:
Playfair Display @ Google Fonts |
Wendy One @ Google Fonts
—Online Sale—
Fonts in this project:
Muli @ Google Fonts |
Syncopate @ Google Fonts
3 LEARN Set your weekly goal every Saturday, so you can still recover on Sunday.
Fonts in this project:
Cormorant @ Google Fonts |
Cormorant SC @ Google Fonts |
Cormorant Garamond @ Google Fonts
Instagram Superstars on the brink
photo At the time to which we have come, Montaigne was unknown to the world of letters, except as a translator and editor. In 1569 he had published a translation of the “Natural Theology†of Raymond de Sebonde, which he had solely undertaken to please his father. In 1571 he had caused to be printed at Paris certain ‘opuscucla’ of Etienne de la Boetie; and these two efforts, inspired in one case by filial duty, and in the other by friendship, prove that affectionate motives overruled with him mere personal ambition as a literary man. 5
Fonts in this project:
Bree Serif @ Google Fonts |
Work Sans @ Google Fonts
a a 7
This friendly upright italic is the serif cousin of TypeTogether's award winning family Bree. Designed by Veronika Burian and José Scaglione, Bree was originally released in 2008 and became an immediate success because of its originality, charming appearance and versatility. BREE SERIF
Fonts in this project:
Bungee @ Google Fonts |
Yrsa @ Google Fonts |
Libre Franklin @ Google Fonts
The “figure four†stretch is one of the most effective ways to relax your hips, glutes and lower back after a long day in the office.
Fonts in this project:
Abril Fatface @ Google Fonts |
Neuton @ Google Fonts |
Montserrat @ Google Fonts |
Bree Serif @ Typekit Fonts
– Politics or Crime —
which one is worse?
– Single story a vs
double-story a, a
neverending battle.
This week LEAD STORY “It’s hard, but it’s good,†is how you sum up your campaigning, and there goes a bottom truth. “You can’t,†as you say, “expect a six-course dinner on active service,†but you would break your heart to be out of it all. “When I am in the thick of the fire a strange feeling comes over me. I feel and see no danger—I think it is the fighting blood of my forefathers.†Yes, and when you receive a rifle bullet through the arm or leg it feels “a bit of a sting,†nothing more, “like a sharp needle going into me, but shrapnel hurts—hurts pretty badly.â€
You are not, however, going to let mother, wife, or sweetheart know this, because it would worry them. You dread to tell them that “when the bullet went in my leg the main artery was severed, and they are going to take part of it off and leave me a cripple for life.†Still harder is it to write: “I am wounded, and do not hope to live; I am going.†Courageous
How she managed to start her own trend?
Fonts in this project:
Montserrat @ Google Fonts |
Monoton @ Google Fonts |
Montserrat Alternates @ Google Fonts
buonissima! Leo’s Pizza
Fonts in this project:
Fjalla One @ Google Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Copse @ Google Fonts |
BioRhyme Expanded @ Google Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Bungee Shade @ Google Fonts |
Bungee @ Google Fonts |
Bungee Outline @ Google Fonts
Q Mike’s Joint } {
Fonts in this project:
Playfair Display @ Google Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Zebrawood Std Fill @ Typekit Fonts |
Zebrawood Std @ Typekit Fonts |
Alegreya Sans SC @ Google Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Abril Text @ Typekit Fonts |
Abril Titling Condensed @ Typekit Fonts |
Abril Display @ Typekit Fonts
Fonts in this project:
FF Good Headline Pro Condensed @ Typekit Fonts |
Bell Centennial Std Bold Listing @ Typekit Fonts |
Kaushan Script @ Google Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Old Standard @ Typekit Fonts |
Franklin Gothic URW Condensed @ Typekit Fonts |
FF More Pro Condensed @ Typekit Fonts
Parts of this Station is unlawful Offenders are Liable
to Arrest
Fonts in this project:
Prenton Display @ Typekit Fonts |
Lust Display Didone @ Typekit Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Lust Script @ Typekit Fonts |
Lust Display @ Typekit Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Octin College @ Typekit Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Acta Poster @ Typekit Fonts |
Acta Poster Swashes @ Typekit Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Clarendon Text Pro @ Typekit Fonts |
Franklin Gothic URW @ Typekit Fonts
ENE AL F I GENERAL FILM @lubalincenter R
Fonts in this project:
Zebrawood Std @ Typekit Fonts |
Zebrawood Std Fill @ Typekit Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Bistro Script Web @ Typekit Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Ronnia @ Typekit Fonts |
Arizonia @ Adobe Edge Web Fonts
Fonts in this project:
LFT Etica Display @ Typekit Fonts |
FF Market @ Typekit Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Ambroise STD @ Typekit Fonts |
Proxima Nova Alt @ Typekit Fonts |
Teimer Web @ Typekit Fonts |
Acta Poster @ Typekit Fonts |
Lust Display @ Typekit Fonts |
Memoriam Pro @ Typekit Fonts |
Ambroise STD Firmin @ Typekit Fonts |
Ambroise STD Francois @ Typekit Fonts
Ambroise STD R NEED A DISPLAY? Strong and quirky.
Definitely an eye catcher
Its thins are almost invisible. Comes with a script variant. R MEMORIAM PRO
A diva that will fill up the room. And the balcony. R R Fresh typefaces with family members for any display occasion.
Fonts in this project:
Proxima Nova @ Typekit Fonts |
Lust Script @ Typekit Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Kari Display Pro @ Typekit Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Tablet Gothic @ Typekit Fonts |
Tablet Gothic Narrow @ Typekit Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Acta Display @ Typekit Fonts
MYSTERIOUS men working
for UNKNOWN organizations The
Fonts in this project:
Alternate Gothic No. 3 D @ Typekit Fonts |
Alternate Gothic No. 1 D @ Typekit Fonts
Good Enough The process is as important as the product Don’t wait for conditions to be perfect
Accept that it will never be perfect by satisficing Denise Jacobs says
Fonts in this project:
Acta Display @ Typekit Fonts |
Proxima Nova @ Typekit Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Acta Poster Swashes @ Typekit Fonts |
Acta Poster @ Typekit Fonts
User Can’t wait for
xperiences Remarkably & Distinctive E †§ — Vitaly Friedman
Fonts in this project:
Acta Poster Swashes @ Typekit Fonts
Fonts in this project:
Abril Fatface @ Typekit Fonts