It’s official! Typetester goes live.
November 7, 2016
We’re happy to announce that, as of November 7th 2016, Typetester has officially been released to the public.
With the current feature set being stable we felt it was the right time to publicly release Typetester. Having now done so, this doesn’t mean we will be stopping there. Further features are already in the works designed to make Typetester an even more indispensable tool.

In conjunction with the public release we’ve also introduced two payment options — Monthly and Yearly — with the same feature set available via either option.
Lifetime introductory offer
As a thank you for all the support to date, we’re offering a special one-time introductory offer. Sign-up by the end of November 2016, and the price of your selected plan — $6 Monthly or $60 Yearly — will remain fixed and shall be honored by us forever and ever. It will never change!
Free for students and academics
Typetester will continue to be free for Students and Academics at educational institutions. If you qualify, simply register using your institution email address and send us an email. We will then extend your free trial to one year.
And if none of the above plan options don’t quite rock your boat, don’t worry, Typetester classic, known and loved by all is still available online!
In the meantime we truly hope you continue to enjoy using Typetester for your everyday design and typography needs. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.